‘Dieselgate’ Group Action Filed Against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

October 28, 2020

We are filing a lawsuit against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA). We believe Fiat Chrysler deliberately misled customers by fitting ‘defeat devices’ in breach of diesel emissions regulations.

Hundreds of thousands of diesel vehicles may be affected, including Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Iveco, and Suzuki diesel vehicles.

Fiat Chrysler is under investigation for fitting illegal ‘defeat devices’ that cheated emissions limits put in place by EU and UK laws to protect customers and the environment.

Anyone who owned or leased an affected vehicle first registered between 2008 and 2020 may be able to claim up to £10,000 in compensation for being misled. As a result, customers may have endured increased maintenance and fuel costs. Toxic diesel emissions are also extremely harmful to people, especially children.

Jeremy Evans, Senior Associate, said: “FCA must be held to account for these practices, and this case will give customers the opportunity to pursue justice and be compensated for being misled by a company that they may have trusted.

“Legally, consumers could be entitled to anything up to the full cost of the affected vehicles. Based on similar legal actions around the world, we believe claimants should expect £10,000 per vehicle.”

What is a defeat device?

Defeat devices temporarily reduce vehicle emissions to cheat regulatory checks.

The vehicle is put under low emission ‘test conditions’ to pass checks. However, the ‘test conditions’ do not reflect real world driving conditions. As a result, real world driving emissions are much higher.

Without these defeat devices, the vehicles would not pass the regulatory checks.

Illegal defeat devices are increasingly visible across the automotive industry. We are currently the lead firm in similar group actions against The Volkswagen Group and The Mercedes Group.

These cases shine a light on systemic, large-scale emissions cheating by vehicle manufacturers through the use of defeat devices.

The effects of nitrogen dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide is a significant factor in worsening air pollution and respiratory conditions, particularly in young and vulnerable people. Studies taken place at the University of Cambridge have established a link between high nitrogen dioxide levels and Coronavirus deaths, with more research underway.

High nitrogen dioxide emissions have also been found to lower life expectancy, especially in children. The Royal College of Physicians has found that illegal levels of air pollution result in over 40,000 early deaths every year.

Reported consequences of illegal defeat devices include increased fuel and maintenance costs, as well as impaired vehicle performance.

Start your claim

If you believe you are an affected driver, see if you can claim now. It takes under a minute to start your claim.

Our group action against Fiat Chrysler is on a no-win, no-fee basis. This means there is no risk to you if you stick to the terms and conditions of the agreement, and you will not pay a penny.

Start your claim now.

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