Pogust Goodhead returns to court in our long-running claim against BHP

March 30, 2023

Pogust Goodhead was back in court on 29 and 30 March in our case against BHP, the largest class action in the world. We are continuing to fight for justice for over 700,000 victims of Brazil’s worst ever environmental disaster, the collapse of the Mariana dam.

In The Independent today, our Global Managing Partner and CEO, Thomas Goodhead, explains how our case against BHP could help millions worldwide.

“For too long, some multinational corporations based in the UK, EU and the US have damaged the environment and communities in other parts of the world without full compensation. We aim to change that,” he said.

“Our case against BHP could make legal history in critical ways.”

While Pogust Goodhead was in court, members of the Krenak Indigenous Community, who were impacted by the disaster, went to parliament to share their story with a group of cross-party MPs and peers.

They spoke about how their lives were irreparably damaged seven years ago when the Mariana dam collapsed and how the disaster still affects them every day.

The MPs and peers were given the opportunity to hear about the lasting impact of the disaster on people’s lives and how community leaders were forced to change their lives in order to survive.

While in England, the Krenaks have also taken their story to organisations such as CAFODClientEarthAmnesty InternationalCorporate Justice CoalitionLondon Mining Network, and investors such as the Church of England Pensions Board.

After years of fighting the multinational mining giant, the Krenaks believe they are closer to obtaining justice for their community

Pogust Goodhead will continue to fight alongside over 700,000 victims of the dam disaster to ensure that BHP are held to account and that the voices of the victims are finally heard.

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