Consumer Class Actions

Our lawyers are well versed in both using the class action device to litigate cases and handling consumer protection cases.

Consumer Class Actions

When businesses use deceptive practices, improper billing methods, or illegal contract terms to profit at the expense of consumers they must be held accountable. 

These methods, even when only costing consumers small amounts of money can lead to massive ill-gotten profits for businesses while leaving consumers feeling as though the wrong was too small to be worth fighting. 

By filing a case as a class action, a consumer may stand in to represent the interests of a larger group, and hold businesses accountable on behalf of all the consumers who were injured.

Our lawyers are well versed in both using the class action device to litigate cases and handling consumer protection cases. We are passionate about standing up for the “little guy” and ensuring that businesses treat their customers honestly and fairly.

Travelers Auto Insurance
Pogust Goodhead has filed a lawsuit against Travelers’ Insurance on behalf of consumers who purchased automobile insurance in New Jersey.
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If you made a purchase from and have a Facebook account, your privacy could have been breached, and you may be eligible for compensation.
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Prenatal Vitamins
We allege that the Prenatal Vitamins manufactured and sold by these companies are underformulated, such that they do not include the amount of folic acid...
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The Team

Taha Onal
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Contact Us

Whether you’re a client, journalist, NGO, political operative, or legal professional, we’re always happy to talk. If you require any help or advice, please get in touch with the Pogust Goodhead team. 

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