Competition and Antitrust

Insights (768 × 507px) (16)
New guidelines balance the twin interests of promoting competition and protecting the environment 
The Competition and Markets Authority recently published guidance to help businesses understand how they can lawfully collaborate on environmental sustainability...
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The progress of the Injectafer claim in the US
Pogust Goodhead continues to fight for individuals who have been injured by the iron deficiency anemia drug, Injectafer. Injectafer was brought to the...
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French National Assembly an Law statue in Paris
France’s baby steps towards becoming a group litigation forum – the 'Sanofi' ruling (5th January 2022 - N°RG 17/07001)
On 5 January 2022, the Paris Judicial Tribunal (Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris)[1] ruled for the first time since group actions were introduced into French...
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