
Insights (768 × 507px) (3)
Pogust Goodhead shortlisted for the FT Innovative Lawyers Awards
We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the FT Innovative Lawyers Awards.
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London traffic showing diesel cars
Emissions cheating case against car industry reveals legal bill to defend action
Lawyers defending unprecedented legal action against the car industry over emissions cheating have revealed in court the estimated costs of defending the...
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International Women’s Day 2024: Panel Discussion
Pogust Goodhead hosts International Women's Day panel
In celebration of International Women's Day, Pogust Goodhead Women's Network hosted a panel discussion.
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Mariana dam disaster victims in Brazil
Liz Bonnin: This isn’t a story about Brazil – it’s a story about all of us
Last week, The Guardian spoke with Liz Bonnin about Dead River. The new podcast series tells the story of the Mariana dam disaster.
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Car light trails on winding road through the highlands near Glen
The Nissan Renault Diesel NOx Emissions Group Litigation
The High Court made a Group Litigation Order on 22 January 2024 in relation to a Group Action to be pursued against Nissan and Renault.
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Liz Bonnin hosts Dead River podcast
Dead River podcast receives critical acclaim
Dead River, a new podcast which tells the story of the Mariana dam disaster, has received critical acclaim.
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Dead River Podcast Artwork
Liz Bonnin hosts Dead River - a new podcast on Mariana dam disaster 
Liz Bonnin hosts a new podcast titled Dead River which shares the story of the Mariana dam disaster.  
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Pogust Goodhead Sydney Australia
Pogust Goodhead launches office in Sydney, Australia
We are pleased to announce the opening of our new office in Sydney’s legal district to serve as a base to launch new claims against Australian corporations...
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Braskem Case hearing in Rotterdam
Brazil salt mining victims seek justice from Braskem in Dutch courts
Victims who were forced out of their homes by Braskem’s salt mining activities in Brazil could finally see justice through the Dutch courts,
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Mariana dam disaster Fransisco Proner art exhibition
Mariana: The Art of Resistance - Photography exhibition in Brussels
Pogust Goodhead-sponsored photo exhibition reveals the strength and resilience of the people of Mariana.
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