Herengracht 433,
1017 BR Amsterdam,
Amsterdam Press

The worst environmental disaster in Brazil’s history has triggered a £3 billion lawsuit in the courts of the Netherlands.

Two years ago today, an immense oil spill occurred in Peru during the offloading of the oil from a tanker owned by Repsol.
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Amsterdam Results

In July 2022, over 200,000 victims of the Mariana dam disaster celebrated a landmark ruling that will see FTSE 100 mining giant BHP finally face their...

In a judgment handed down by the Court of Rotterdam, Pogust Goodhead was successful in securing the jurisdiction of the Dutch courts in our claim against...
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Whether you’re a client, journalist, NGO, political operative, or legal professional, we’re always happy to talk. If you require any help or advice, please get in touch with the Pogust Goodhead team.
If you are a client in the Mariana dam disaster claim, please click here to be redirected to the client portal.

Pogust Goodhead (a trading name of PGMBM Law Ltd) SRA License Number 512898.
Pogust Goodhead is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and complies with the Solicitors Code of Conduct, a copy of which can be located here. VAT No: 974 7183 77.

PGMBM Nederland B.V., trading under the name Pogust Goodhead, is a limited liability company registered at Chamber of Commerce (no. 83137718) with its registered office at Herengracht 433, 1017 BR Amsterdam. Tax number is NL862745470B01.
PGMBM Nederland B.V. is a Dutch law firm that has entered into a partnership with the law firms PGMBM Law Ltd and PGMBM Ltd, with the purpose to cooperate in accordance with section 5.2 of the Legal Profession Byelaw (in Dutch: Verordening op de Advocatuur).
PGMBM Nederland B.V. focuses (as the other partners within the said partnership) on collective actions. PGMBM Nederland B.V. is the contracting entity in relation to services provided by lawyers working at PGMBM Nederland B.V.